What version of the Bible do you use and why?
We use the New King James Version in our corporate worship. We occasionally refer to other versions as well. We are not KJV-only.
What kind of music do you use in worship?
Our music ministry incorporates traditional hymns and some more contemporary praise music. Our worship music is not “contemporary” in style, nor do we direct our music toward the human participants. Our focus as we sing/play is to worship the Lord.
What do you mean by the word “fundamental”?
We are a “fundamental” church from the perspective of our theology. We believe the Bible is inspired, that God created the world in six literal, 24-hour days, that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary death, rose bodily from the grave in triumph over sin and is coming again. We believe salvation from sin is by grace through faith and nothing else.
What do you do to ensure the safety/security of the children?
We protect all our children from newborns to teenagers by having at least 2 adults present at all times in our children’s classes, nursery, as well as all youth activities. Parents can rest assured your child/children will be lovingly attended in all our church ministries.
Is there a dress code for worship? For other services?
We do not have a formal dress code for any of our services. The people who lead in worship will dress in coats and ties (men) as well as dresses/skirts (women), but that is not a requirement or expectation for those who attend.
When do you observe the Lord’s Supper (Communion)?
We normally observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month and we alternate between the Morning Worship (10:30 AM) and the Sunday Night LIFE hour (6:00 PM). We will also observe the Lord’s Supper on special occasions, such as Good Friday and Christmas Eve.
Can I take Communion if I am not a member?
We practice what is called “close communion.” One does not have to be a member to participate, and we don’t check membership status. We simply ask that participants examine their own hearts to be sure they are saved and walking with the Lord with no known sin between them and the Savior (in close communion) prior to participation.
How does a person become a member of Rustic Hills Baptist Church?
Once a person has made known his/her desire to join our church, we offer an “Intro to RHBC” class taught by the Pastor. We ask each prospective member to take this class. It is typically taught in 4 sessions of 1 hour each. Then, the prospective member meets with the Deacons, shares his/her testimony with the church family and is voted into membership.
How is RHBC governed?
We are an independent Baptist church. There is no outside hierarchy that governs our church. We are congregationally governed under the headship of Jesus Christ and the leadership of the Pastors and Deacons. That means that there is no higher human authority than the congregation. In most matters, the congregational vote is the final say.