“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed…” (Rom. 12:2) That’s our theme for 2018 – we need to be changed, transformed into the image of God. But aren’t we made in God’s image? If every human being is already in the image of God by creative act, how can we be changed into His image by sanctifying process? The answer has to do with our marred image. Because of sin, the image of God in all of us is damaged to the point that all fellowship with God is broken. Once we trust Christ, God begins the work of repairing that image through sanctification. We enter a lifelong process of becoming more like Christ, more like the Creator, more like who we were created to be. We have a role to play in that process – we need to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God daily, we need to turn from the world and pursue change from who we were as unsaved people to who God wants us to be as His children, and we need to allow the Spirit of God to renew our minds – fill them with the truth of God’s Word. That’s how transformation happens.