We are told in Scripture and in sermons to “put God first” – to make Him THE priority in our lives. But what does that look like? Practically, how do we “Seek first the kingdom of God…”? Let me give you a few practical tips:
- Always bathe plans and ideas in prayer. Ask God for direction and let Him respond! 2. Obey Scripture. The Bible is our guide to life, so if we refuse to obey it in some area, we will have a hard time making God our priority.
- It’s about Him. If life revolves around us, we are on the throne of our hearts, not God. Make sure you think of things from God’s perspective because “It’s all about Him.” 4. Time, Talent, Treasure.
– Evaluate your use of time. Your time priorities say a lot about what’s important. - Evaluate your use of talent. God gifted you. How are you using that?
– Evaluate your spending habits. How you spend your
money speaks volumes. Figuring out how to put God first is not that hard. Actually placing Him on the throne of your heart is a different matter. The world, our flesh and the devil will constantly try to knock God of His rightful perch. Let’s covenant together to make Him first.