Ironmen – Men’s Ministry
Ironmen is a monthly breakfast, fellowship, Bible Study, and prayer time. It meets the third Saturday of each month from 7:30-8:30AM in the Upper Room at the church. Great fellowship, excellent food, fascinating studies directed at the needs and interests of men, concentrated prayer and an opportunity for men to serve together and grow in their walk with the Lord.
Daughters of the King
Ladies are invited to come on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10AM for a group fellowship and fun!
SALTy Sisters Women’s Bible Study
Salty Sisters (Serving And Learning Together) is starting up for the fall with a New time: 10:00 – on Wednesdays. Childcare is available.
Sunday Adult Bible Fellowship
There are 2 different Adult classes (Adult Bible Fellowship or ABF) that meet at the same time as the children’s Sunday School – 9:15 each Sunday morning: The Ladies Class and the Bridge Builders. There is a wide choice of Bible book studies, topical studies, and expositional teaching to aid adults in their walk with Christ.
Bible Study and Prayer Meeting – Wednesdays
6:30 p.m. in the Church Auditorium
During 2021 we are memorizing a verse every week. We have a group Bible Study where we focus on that verse and apply its truth to our lives. After our study we pray together and share answers to prayer and needs for one another and those we know, including our Missionaries.
Family Care Groups
Every person or family of Rustic Hills Baptist Church have a Deacon chosen or assigned to personally minister to them. Quarterly, these Family Care Groups get together to fellowship.
How to Become a Christian