Coach John Wooden is known for a lot of things – primarily his prowess as a legendary basketball coach and his inspirational leadership. He was an amazing man. Wooden died June 4th, 2010. What most people don’t know is that John Wooden remained committed to his wife of 53 years, Nellie, throughout their marriage and long after she passed away on March 21, 1985. On the 21st day of every month, he visited the crypt where she was buried, then wrote her a love letter, sealed it in an envelope and left it. Over the 25 years between her death and his, quite a stack of letters accumulated. He didn’t quit until just a few months before his death when failing eyesight made it impossible to write.
Scripture says “Love is the greatest of these” and describes our love for God, our love for our spouses, our love for our kids and for others as a commitment – a path we choose. It’s not based on feelings, which come and go, but on the love that God has shown to us. We become a reflection of that love when we commit to love another.