Every day brings decisions. What am I going to wear? Do I need to get gas in the car? Do I need to pick anything up at the store? What are we going to eat tonight? We spend a lot of our lives making decisions. But every now and again, the decisions get bigger – sometimes, really big.
– I’ve been offered a new job. Do I take it?
– The diagnosis was cancer…and it could be fatal. Where do I go from here?
– I’ve been told I can’t pray before I eat lunch at school. Do I obey my principal?
– My spouse wants a divorce. What do I do? Where do I turn?
We don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the routine decisions we make every day. But the big ones can consume us. Caleb teaches us some things about big decisions (Josh. 14 & 15). He teaches us to trust the Lord no matter what it is or how overwhelming it might feel. He teaches us that no challenge is too big for God. He teaches us to face big decisions head on. He teaches us patience, because God’s plan may be for a long wait between the promise and the fulfillment. Big decisions usually take more time and energy than the everyday variety, but the same God is there to help us through them.