Our Helper

This morning we will be discussing part of Jesus’ teaching regarding the Holy Spirit in the context of His pending ascension to heaven. This segment appears in John 14:25-27. Jesus brought up the subject of the paraclete – the “Helper” that He would be sent to minister to believers in John 14, 15, and 16. He addressed our Helper a total of five times in those three chapters. It was obviously very important to Him…and very important for us. Each time, He gave a little more information. He wanted us to know what to expect and how the Spirit of God would serve us while we live on earth as Christians. He helps each of us in a number of ways, several of which show up in today’s text. Pay attention. This morning, you’ll find that the Holy Spirit is an emissary of Jesus who teaches, reminds, and promotes peace.

On the first Easter Sunday, something unique happened.  Several women came to Jesus’ tomb, hoping to finish the embalming task they had hastily started on Friday afternoon.  When they reached the grave site, the stone was rolled away and Jesus was gone. He conquered death and rose from the grave under His own power.  Now, graves are sometimes found to be empty, but never because the deceased left under his own power.  That was unique. 

The Jewish leaders, in a hastily called meeting, partnered with the Roman guards and decided to blame grave robbers – a logical possibility.  But there was a problem – the Savior kept showing Himself alive to various people – Mary Magdalene, the 10 disciples (and a week later to Thomas), the two men on the Emmaus road, and about 500 others over a period of a few weeks.  It’s hard to make a “grave robber” story stick when the deceased keeps showing up under His own power!

Jesus was alive…is alive.  It’s the basis for our faith.  The empty grave is what makes Christianity unique, and it’s the event that verifies Christianity as true.  It really does change everything.  Have you trusted the Risen Savior?